D Glenn Casey
author : D Glenn CaseyI am an artist and author and I always feel like I have a story to tell. Whether it be with a brush or pencil in my hands or with a computer in front of me, there is a story to tell.\n\nI remember reading The Lord Of The Rings when I was about 14-years-old and around the same time I read about Brooks’ world of Shannara and McCaffrey’s dragons. And who could forget Donaldson’s Thomas Covenant series?\n\nOnce I got my first job at sixteen, I was buying all kinds of books about stories of fantasy and adventure. If Kindle had been around back then I’m sure I would have filled the memory up in no time. One of my favorite haunts back then was the many dusty, musty used bookstores in my hometown, looking for that next treasure that would take me away.\n\nI like the process of building worlds and creating characters. At this moment, I am building the world of Garlan of Whitestone Castle. I am keenly interested in seeing what kind of adventures Garlan has over time and hope that there is an impatient horde of rabid readers that want to take the journey with me. View more >>D Glenn Casey Book Series